RailBirds Rock n Roll

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Thursday, August 17, 2006


I learned a lesson, which my brother was amazed this street smart girl should have known.
Never show a drunk girl to the bathroom in JR's
Girl: Can you hold the door for me?
Me: Sure.
Oh my God...Becky,
She was all over me, tried to go down on me,
I am pushing and exclaiming....
Jeeze Louise, I had to really fight my way out of there.
When I finally found my brother,
He was giving me the "I told you so" look

Just before this episode, I got taken for ten bucks when this girl told me
she has twin girls and she left her wallet
Her friend hadn't shown up and her gas gauge was on E

Well, I guess I must have a big SUCKER
Painted on my green forhead.
What a night.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bitter taste of Bloods Betrayal

It is a grave disappointment.
One that claws heavily
With heritable daggers
Upon my emaciated breast

In nightfall you prey
Drinking blood,
Which we share

Your hollowed taunts
Told through stories
And green, withered green
Green that has lost its springtime dance
You goad and betray

In the arms of a mother’s love
I held you,
Sick then
As now

Which has no girth
Hollow words
Like dulled swords
To cut like hell upon the softened flesh
You sow

A waterfall springs forth
Though restrain screams threats
And wallow
You know
This injured

Is thy sickly
Which breathes
Its breathe
On others

Many will think these words
Are bent for thee
Others mistake
The cast and see

Pulpits rise amongst our blood
And bowery’s boast our tales of woe

Foul the stench
My semblance
In minds feeble
Endearing lie

Wicked you prove to be
A chance
The happenstance
I forever cast towards
The possibility

You read me as your crooked stick
Cold as arms that never held your
Unquenchable thirst

The waterfall
Could drench
The stench which
Lies alone

No more
I don’t forgive
The treachery
You lecherous

"Are We Crazy?"

After several bottles of wine, my brother decides he wants to have me break out my art supplies so that he can draw.
Through grounding breakages of chalk and much laughter, we found our hands and arms covered with charcoal and pastels.
He decides it’s time to paint war masks, without forewarning he brands and swipes his art covered hands in various places.
Of course, I returned the favor…
Now he is too drunk to drive, but wants more wine, so me and the other unsuspecting victim must go into the store and purchase said wine.
Lady Behind the Counter: “Oh my God, ma’m, Are you alright?”
Everyone staring in utter disgust,
Me: “Ah, I’m fine, just a little floor art fun”
Lady stares with complete despise and won’t speak to me, while customers move out of the way to give me room in case I’m CRAZY!!!
Now when we return, He is sleeping.
He went to bed as he was with a trashcan close by.
When we speak in the morning, he retells his morning events.
Starbucks Coffee Master: “Sir, are you ok?”
Brother: “Yea, Why?”
He didn’t look in the mirror before he left for his coffee.
We had such fun being silly.
The art came out really good.
Love you Bro!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Women should never talk about politics. Yea Right!!!

In a recent conversation, the 9-11 topic was approached. I have very different perceptions and have researched both sides of our current Administration. With opposing political views we battled, both of us utterly stubborn and unable to budge. I still love him, my surrogate father and friend. Below is an excerpt from the site I tried to have him look at before. It took me quite some time to find, as I have had many computer crashes since the original discussion. This website is listed under my political links and their research is amazing and hard to take. I knew my friend would shoot these things down so I followed the some of the many statements through to their original source. They stand up as once reported findings, common articles, suppressed, but once VERY PUBLIC.
Although we have conflicting views, he raises valid points, through plumes of smoke and trips to the potty. Maybe we shouldn’t talk about these things, but I digress, he challenges me, as I hope, I also do him.
Here Socrates,
Do some alternate research.

September 2000
The neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century writes a “blueprint” for the “creation of a ‘global Pax Americana’” (see also June 3, 1997). The document, titled, Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century, was written for the Bush team even before the 2000 Presidential election. It was written for future Vice President Cheney, future Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, future Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Florida Governor and President Bush’s brother Jeb Bush, and future Vice President Cheney’s Chief of Staff Lewis Libby. The report calls itself a “blueprint for maintaining global US preeminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests.” The plan shows that the Bush team intended to take military control of Persian Gulf oil whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power and should retain control of the region even if there is no threat. It says: “The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.” The report calls for the control of space through a new “US Space Forces,” the political control of the internet, the subversion of any growth in political power of even close allies, and advocates “regime change” in China, North Korea, Libya, Syria, Iran and other countries. It also mentions that “advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.” (see also Spring 2001 and April 2001 (D)). [Sunday Herald (Glasgow), 9/7/2002; Project for the New American Century, 9/2000 ] However, the report complains that these changes are likely to take a long time, “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.” [Los Angeles Times, 1/12/2003] In an NBC interview at about the same time, Vice Presidential candidate Cheney defends Bush Jr.’s position of maintaining Clinton’s policy not to attack Iraq because the US should not act as though “we were an imperialist power, willy-nilly moving into capitals in that part of the world, taking down governments.” [Washington Post, 1/12/2002] This report and the Project for the New American Century generally are mostly ignored until a few weeks before the start of the Iraq war (see February-March 20, 2003).

Below is the source for this information.
Center for Cooperative Research
Reclaiming Your Power

There is an innate awkwardness to being human. With each decision we make, there is the potential for self-doubt and it is this-self doubt that forms the root of insecurity-a complex emotion that is a mix of equal parts inadequacy, isolation, fear, and hopelessness. Yet these feelings of insecurity that prevent us from fulfilling our potential by inducing us to abide by arbitrary self-limitations are nothing more than erroneous perceptions. We feel unconfident and unsure of ourselves because we judge ourselves to be so. Banishing insecurity is often simply a matter of challenging ourselves in order to prove that we are indeed intelligent and able.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Meeting the Madwoman by Linda Schierse Leonard

Excerpt from
Autumn Sonata
By Ingmar Bergman

“A mother and a daughter-what a terrible combination of feelings and confusion and destruction! Everything is possible and everything is done in the name of love and solicitude. The mother’s injuries are to be handed down to the daughter, the mother’s disappointments are to be paid for by the daughter, the mother’s unhappiness is to be the daughter’s unhappiness. It’s as if the umbilical cord had never been cut. The daughter’s grief is the mother’s secret pleasure.”

I'm A Blogger-Maniac

Today is my

I decided to emerge,
Fluorescent green
Sea mask,
Rosemary scented,
Oiled bath
Shaven and shorn

To wipe away the woman
Who arose all
Tattered and torn

When I am done
Last dreams,
Will be

I'm A Mean Love Machine

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is low.
This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.
You know a relationship is not about getting your way.
And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.


Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.


Your independence is medium.
In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."
You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.
But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered.

In Dreams, I Weep

I woke with a start, shudder, and sob
Then followed through

Tug-of-War Dreams
With but 2 hours sleep
Till I sit now alone

My strengthened resolve
Hands fingering
The vow

My eyes so quietly

Scenarios of DREAMS
They play so sweet and sour

One so surrounded by people
Can feel so alone

One mind to connect
One that shares
One that in silence’s lair

Meeting the demons
In my sleep

Best Dog a Girl Could Have