RailBirds Rock n Roll

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Mirror, Mirror

Was I born,

With lips downturned?

Or is this but a mirror

Of my life’s


I looked, and looked

And with great effort

With great strain

Lips went up.


Remembers my Great-Grandpa’s words

It takes more effort to frown than smile.

I think I am an anomoly

A force of agony,

Much like the meaning of my name…


It is a struggle to lift my lips

Turn the feelings into a smile

My eyes,




Yet, only in


Can these lips

Crack that smile

I have evaded capture in the mirrors eye

For so long that U’d believe my lies

Lies, I swore I’d never tell

Tales,amidst the scandalous lair

It is in the mirror

This journey begins

With lips tuned down

And life a frown

I watch and capture

The glimpse of me

A me

Not the real

But the


About to be birthed

A me

Born to be,


This fraught me.

And now I sell

My lifes wares

On the road

To distant Fairs

With great regret

And somber

Chest swell

I’ll make this mile

These miles

All miles

A swell


Thursday, August 30, 2007


Well a hard drive and CPU

Mind and heart

slit wrist

and I am tentatively

I have no contact info.
on Anyone

or myself

I live in a musty, dark closet
on campus...

no one knows....

I hope all are healthy and prospering

Love to those whom know their status

Friday, March 16, 2007

My new puppy

Sorry for the Disappearing Act

I have been paged and THANKS!!!
In between two sculpting classes that are taking up all of my free time I am also engrossed in Government and Web Design. Family and woes have kept me in a dark cave, silenced in my hiding.
Also, my blog page made me redo it and in the frustration of another task piled on my very full plate, disgust has kept me away. I have lost all of my links to my friends that were on this page, so in helping me sort through, could you resend them to me. Please.
Over and OUT.