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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Stray Stray Stray, Chain of Strays

I am sitting here wondering why I must always take in so many strays.
Stray family members, stray people, and stray animals.
I thought three stray people and a planned puppy was enough, apparently not.
One of my stray family members had a stray dog follow the planned pup home yesterday.
The stray, frisky female, golden retriever of about six months keeps chewing the short nylon rope, tethered to the railing of my front porch.
A kindly neighbor knocked on my door at 6:30 AM and brought the now un-tethered stray back to my house.
Of course, my stray family member suggested that the stray dog be bathed and kept inside until we can figure out to whom she belongs.
HMMM, 4 people and 2 dogs in a small two-bedroom apartment with only one miniscule income, anybody else have a stray?
I think the house is too empty.


Anonymous said...

i thought this was sort of funny. i wanted to post something clever to this blog so i looked up stray on dictionary.com.


To move away from a group, deviate from the correct course, or go beyond established limits.

To become lost.

To wander about without a destination or purpose; roam.

See Synonyms at wander.
To follow a winding course; meander.
To deviate from a moral, proper, or right course; err.
To become diverted from a subject or train of thought; digress. See Synonyms at swerve.

I really liked the "beyond established limits" and "wander about without a destination or purpose".

sorry for the long comment.


3D said...

Love the comment, definitely food for thought.