RailBirds Rock n Roll

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Friday, October 29, 2004

Meeting This MadWoman

I could just endlessly scream, run raging through the streets with a maniacal grimace of disgust and hopelessness cemented upon my face. The Worker’s Compensation menace is more than I can take. My employer says they have no position to currently accommodate my handicap self and they won’t let me go because that could change. So, I am employed with no income, yet unemployable. The insurance company isn’t liable to pay me anymore, since they have played the game far craftier then I. I can’t get unemployment because I am technically employed and my lawyer won’t call me. I guess I’ll be looking for a shelter next month, better get started now. One twisted blessing is that everyone is jumping ship before it sinks, so I will at least lose the burden of taking others with me. AAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!

1 comment:

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