RailBirds Rock n Roll

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Thursday, August 17, 2006


I learned a lesson, which my brother was amazed this street smart girl should have known.
Never show a drunk girl to the bathroom in JR's
Girl: Can you hold the door for me?
Me: Sure.
Oh my God...Becky,
She was all over me, tried to go down on me,
I am pushing and exclaiming....
Jeeze Louise, I had to really fight my way out of there.
When I finally found my brother,
He was giving me the "I told you so" look

Just before this episode, I got taken for ten bucks when this girl told me
she has twin girls and she left her wallet
Her friend hadn't shown up and her gas gauge was on E

Well, I guess I must have a big SUCKER
Painted on my green forhead.
What a night.


3D said...

Well I am a hot chick, 106 heat wave, double digits all month.

Ah, ten bucks, Olen says she was playing it up from the get go, but I always have been a softy for a damsel in distress.

You know, this hot chick in shining sweat.

Anonymous said...


well, i guess there are worse things, right? i'm pretty rude to those who beg for money because I work so damned hard for the little I have - but I have definitely been a sucker from time to time and given in.

as for the chick in the bathroom...
i don't believe I can find anything smartassed to say about that!