RailBirds Rock n Roll

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More about Robbie Williams

OK, I am posting a link to a pretty good bio.
This guy is interesting.
I don't always like the songs
but videos are worth the listen.
Actually, most of the videos
Although quite graphic and sexually explicit,
(Which of course I am always a fan of that)
They are original and do their job of
Causing reaction
The good and bad

I love them, sometimes they disturb me,
Somethings are hard to watch,
but mostly, I am ecstatic that I was able to stumble upon this amazing
( chuckling on those terms)
and incredibly risque artist
Max stars for him


Love this Guy, he is out there. Robbie Williams "radio"

Why do I

I'm having a giggle at the probability

that I might be the only one looking at my blog.

It is all good.So,

I'll talk to myself a little more.

Full chuckle now.

MC Solaar is just the top of my list.

I am not into rap much, but in french,

wee wee

Love It.

And then the artistic European video

Wow, mouth watering visuals.
The combination of the arts is mesmerising.

Since I am talking to myself,

I would like to tell myself

to checkout the other videos.


Ok another one I love.

Love This Artist....MC Solar - Solaar Pleure

Monday, December 15, 2008

Blogger Poker Tourney Day 1

Well, it was Omaha hi today, there were 10k entrants and the action was fast.
Took it slow, waiting for flush hands and made some big pots.
Lost some big pots,
Won them back
and then...
Stupid last minute call on a flush hand with a cold river.
Still freezing from that.
I placed 82 missing the ticket by 10.
Stupid moves late are beyond ignorant.
Next time tomorrow, HoldEm
Smarter and luckier I hope.

Great table full of bloggers
They make the most interesting
and fun

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Today in the no Poker day

Well, I signed up for a freeroll Omaha H/L
Unfortunately mid game the Cowboys were starting their game.
I made a good push, got some money and sat out the rest of the time.
10,000 players, I ended 792 without being there.
I like...
Cowboys ruled over the Giants,
Good Day

And my back, talk,
Well started out really bad,
But 28 ibuprofen later
I had enough relief to clear my head.

Time to meditate.
Have great night.

Poker Talk

Ok, Today no more back talk!!!
Big Smile

What I would like to do is explain the poker ad.
I have been enjoying this site and within a week was able to win a spot after beating nearly 10,000 other players.
The best part, it was a freeroll.
I then was able to place in a tournament for cash, decent amount too.

Well, if anyone wants to check it out click the link.
I have tried several, and I will critique them later, but so far Poker Stars ROCKS.

Updateds and info to follow.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My achey, breaky, back, heart and Mind

OH, the mighty fear and pain. It is swallowing me whole.
I went for an injection in my back, one that was supposed to give me more mobility.
I now can’t even stand up.
All the aspirations of the gym,
going out,
wearing high heels,
Oh, the independent me is falling apart.
I am sobbing in frustration.
I lost my friend, the only one who ever talked to me like Haus.
Said I was smothering.
I was just talking, communicating for the first time in years.
Not a friend, better to know earlier than later.
Makes the loneliness even harder to cope with.