RailBirds Rock n Roll

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Monday, October 25, 2004

Highway out of Hell

Well, I am now embarking on a new path in my Workers Comp nightmare and I anxiously hope the grass will finally stop its endless wilt and die phase and finally lay a fresh cut, golf green turf for me to childishly play. I am officially returning to work. I’d jump for joy if it weren’t such a precarious march toward an undetermined end. I won’t be capable to handle my original position due to the strenuous physical requirements, so I have no idea what lovely surprises my employer will cast my way. Soon, I will be an independent, normal human being again. No spying insurance agents looking to catch me functioning in a manner that is not consistent with my injuries, nor a sick desperation each time my check doesn’t arrive on schedule. The end of hell is near and I am so utterly emotionally exhausted from this nasty relentless game that the sigh I will release may drop me as a faint would an overly clad and tightened corseted woman from the pre 1900’s.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well...if we drill far enough through hell it will eventually lead us to the polar ice cap and we can all freeze our asses off.

Keep your chin up... you know if we don't we could drown. Especially with our sexuality!

Much love sis.