RailBirds Rock n Roll

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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Oh withered time and tattered years
Revolution against evolution
A vain war
Battleground scars
No matter the laser rays
Invisible age
Unavoidable end
The dark bed of which
We are created


3D said...

Oh, you know fish swim in dark waters.

hauself said...

Your writing style often reminds me of sylvia plath and emily dickenson. thanks for sharing your work.

3D said...

Thanks Huck, I welcome your words, in all regards.
But I must say, the funny is really needed right now.

hauself said...

hang in there d. as a good friend once told me, 'don't let the b*st*rds get you down'.

3D said...

I wonder what the missing letters are...
scratchin my head and chucking insanely
Thanks, I needed that.