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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Log to Self: Musings of Musings

Out of the Coverlet and into a Fire
Well....Fire isn't exactly the adj. more like into the World
Not that firey and lovely enrapturing of Passion
More like the cotton stuffed into your ears and a
Hang Over
w/o the fun

A Day
Important and filled with Mundane
but a day, my day
out from under the Blanket of Death
Maybe into it
I'm unsure
but a Day nevertheless

Ending in Anger
What's wrong with my heart?
Can I get a care? an answer?
I'm so young next to all the patients
Does No one wonder why my EKG looks like this

I'm very depressed this night
My mother has
in her broken and cluelessness
let me know,.....she needs me to be her Mom still
I won't
Will NOT be all of your Mother's anymore
so get used to it
I'm your daughter/sister/friend
The Shadow is overtaking me again
CAn I find the strength?
My heart hurts..I know my life is borrowed

You must find the Me somewhere other than the Rescue Aid Society of Me
I need Rescuing
which I'll never get
Don't ask of me
Don't demand of me a Song
to render you healed
while I lie thrashing

I can say no more
my pain is suffocating me
and my heart is a traitor
into the bottle of potions
into the flight of the eagle
into the arms of night I fly

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