Why am I seeing so many parallels?
Is it that time?
The time for remembering, time for cutting and burning?
Time for telling the tale at last
Hmm, bitter and frightened groan, ha…
Tales is more like it
Life time of so many tales
And I feel as if my life is about spent
It feels so unfair..so very unfair
I said I’d start…
will this be the beginning of my mental end?
Does it matter?
My End..
prolonged for so many years,
maybe back to the very beginning of my existence
Well the tales will have to wait a bit longer
Hopefully I can find my way out of the dark...
or through the dark I can find what I’ve spent my life running from
1 comment:
For me
Parallels came
when life came full circle...
Time to remove myself from the poison of others that had become toxic to me
and be born again
like the legendary phoenix
Burn the chaff
and see what wonderful things are in the core
Spread your wings
take flight
above all the poisonous smog that others inflict you with
scream out with your inner goddess who will no longer be denied what she's had to do without for so damned long
cry for a time
for tears and time will eventually heal the hurts
Above all, know who in your life truly love you
and allow that love to guide you in your healing...
for you're not alone.
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