RailBirds Rock n Roll

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Queen of Hearts

Just in case I worried anyone
I did go to the ER

Everything went very bad after my last post and
my fear battled my stubbornness
and the Fear won

I'm all black and blue
with such great veins I wonder why it's so hard to put an IV in me
It's just unreal....can't they see the half inch blue running up and down and all over
One thing I've always had were the veins of a body builder
Blue strong roads to the crazy blood that flows it's odd way thru my body

Of course they kept me overnight,
ran so many tests
blood every hour
EKG, heart rate, oxygen
Ya know the works

And finally released me from the Hell of that overly white and sterile vacation
So I'm home,

I miss you my friends!!!! So much
I'm just not ready for Facebook yet

My minds muddied and I'm fighting inner and outer Demons
I feel I need you all
But, I know I need to be with me for now

Figure out where the Pathways lie
Take back my soul from it's unsettled distractions
Find Me, somewhere
Till I'm strong enough
Of Dreamy Mind and Loving Heart
Where the sound of all that's wild and untamed
Brooks and Rivers
Mountains and Trees
The Raw
The Art in the Chaos
Attune within my Fragile Breast

For now, I'm only online to blog when
The Shapes that haunt me fall away
But I'll be back

I feel great Love towards you
My Friends I've never met
and in that invisible web we've found
You are a Beauty
A Shining light of proof
That in the darkest hours
In the years of escapism
Through so much we've all encountered
Friends are the most Precious gift of all

Great Love, and Hugs and smiles
I'll send you laughs when I find my smile
Know you are in my heart
My mind

And My Shadow
Thank You for your comment~~~
I will get that screaming out a bit
Will follow the words said and those between the lines
Your friend


LadyStyx said...

Glad you went to get checked out. I've been extremely worried. You'll find as soon as the toxicity has been removed, and the batteries have been recharged, you'll be feeling closer to how you were. You've been very much missed and your flock needs you back most hastefully. I shall drop you a line in a day or so, to update you, once I get my jumbled thoughts together. It's hard to get things worded just right... and I've been trying so very hard to get it just right.

Rita O said...

Glad you did go to the ER.
You got us worried!
Take your time, pull yourself together and when you're ready come back. you know where to fine me ;)