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Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Sifting through thoughts,

pulling the ache through searing veins

Emotional addict

Internal Mantra flowing and ebbing brooks within

Numbly, or so I seem, flashing life abstractly through my mind

I keep the pace of scattered images so quick,

enabling the power of their impact

To shift away to the next, just in time

Barely in time, stopping the bite of bitter or sweet

Self induced solitary confinement with steely resolve

Doors, paths, hearts Opening wide

Closing Hard

Friday, February 04, 2011


It's almost embarrassing the way this is such a public journal
But, though I've been told how wrong it is, I find the need to do this.
To shoot words into the ether, and see responses, other thoughts
and sometimes the endless silence.

Space has so many meanings,
the measure of dimensions available in a house,
the infinite Universe/Galaxies and all we can't perceive,
though we try and achieve answers with exploration,
that in their revelation create more Space to ponder.
So many meanings within a relationship or relationships as well.

And it's that Space I'd like to write my thoughts on, maybe to work out my very powerful anger today, or possibly work out the resolution that is so obvious, however Writhing Emotions evades it's destiny.

These are my concepts of Space, I can't claim that I might be wrong...
since the sense of that is so relative to each individual and then the combining of individuals together. Making each individual connection and relation to one another a whole new concept to juggle as far as Space is concerned.

Ok, enough with the rationalizing my needs and concepts of Space,
it's Time to List what at this moment in time it means to me.
Because as I so well know, Space means something different when mixed with varying personalities and in changes of self, which occur constantly.

Space, a 3D Rambling and Shelving of things

I'm a very complicated person, and tend to need alot of private time.
Communication is maybe the most important characteristic in relationships of all types, but so difficult to achieve.

Because of many things, number one being that I"m for all intents deaf.
I wasn't born that way, sometimes I wonder if that would have been easier, but verbal communication is a chore for those that need to say something to me.
But in that handicap I've overdeveloped my already very strong intuitive side.

I don't want to go all Creepy Meta-physical with this, and freak any possible readers out, but I've seen things before they happen.
Know what's coming through whatever sense it is that I was born with, read people instantly, then make huge mistakes because I don't want to be judgmental, so I give them benefits of the doubt that so far...I always regret.

My tuning fork, I always give credit to my Cherokee/Gypsy ancestors, on one side the Indians and the other the Gypsy, though my Great Grandmother would seethe with anger if she ever heard that word in relation to her, she was from the Gypsy land and they did uproot and travel here, and then traveled many times once in this "Land of Opportunity", which ended up being Land of Poverty instead.

With the loss of my hearing, all of those aspects/instincts came in very handy at trying to appear to be a hearing person. It actually made me seem dense, less intelligent than others, because the hearing world doesn't quite get why I'd start talking about something that is so off subject from what is being said, or why I'm laughing, when the conversation had turned serious...
well, I've lot's of funny stories about that, but I think I did a fair job

Back to the communication coupled with Space
Being as introverted as I am, I need to look inward when others are talking to me,
I need to see the meaning within, jockey the incoming information with my concepts
Challenge my thoughts...how do those fit with what I've believed, could I stretch my thoughts out and find a new concept or belief from what I'm hearing and expand/alter my set of philosophical concepts?
Am I wrong, how wrong,
Am I looking to be wrong to avoid confrontation
How much of what I'm hearing and withstanding, attack wise that is self flagellation?
Complicated constant inner struggles make really talking to me, either very rewarding for the parties involved, or very ugly.

But here's the thing...I HAVE TO watch them talk to comprehend their words
Which for me invades my space, and also causes a really Dark problem
Body Language
Man...No Hearing person seems to understand what that is to a Deaf person
Every twitch of your body, grimace, eye roll, sigh
Shift of anything is being read into
and to top that off, my instincts are so honed in
I can't stand to hear and look when it's with those that are filling the Communication Space
With Anger, Manipulation, Ulterior Motives, etc...

Space is Leaving when I see that Anger is the only end result

That's a BIG one for me...Please Go Away...Calm Down
Think about what you are doing, what I'm doing, where the Anger or Strong difficult emotions came in
Then come back calm, with thoughts and philosophies realigned and try again

What is so hard about that????
I just don't understand why that's so difficult
Is it a Female thing?
Most men honor that, maybe I'm more Manly then I look?

Space means so many things to me
but that Space...
the Space to separate from Negative Communication
So you can look at it from all sides
Better yourself by opening up to it
Grow from mentally examining it from all angles
Is probably the most important secret to a relationship with me.
Too bad that's the one thing I can't seem to get

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Oh the things I see
a Dirty word
A Silent Condemnation

What started Beautiful
I'm a Bitch

Maybe I am
I don't mean to be
I tried all day to be there

I stayed
Though leaving felt right

I'm now a bitch for escaping
I needed time to think

I guess I'm apiece of ...
lousy human being

So Sad
so Very, Very Sad

Should have stood strong
and now

I'm a Bitch
that hurts

Sum me up to that
Come on

Cant get past that


That's Me

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Queen of Hearts

Just in case I worried anyone
I did go to the ER

Everything went very bad after my last post and
my fear battled my stubbornness
and the Fear won

I'm all black and blue
with such great veins I wonder why it's so hard to put an IV in me
It's just unreal....can't they see the half inch blue running up and down and all over
One thing I've always had were the veins of a body builder
Blue strong roads to the crazy blood that flows it's odd way thru my body

Of course they kept me overnight,
ran so many tests
blood every hour
EKG, heart rate, oxygen
Ya know the works

And finally released me from the Hell of that overly white and sterile vacation
So I'm home,

I miss you my friends!!!! So much
I'm just not ready for Facebook yet

My minds muddied and I'm fighting inner and outer Demons
I feel I need you all
But, I know I need to be with me for now

Figure out where the Pathways lie
Take back my soul from it's unsettled distractions
Find Me, somewhere
Till I'm strong enough
Of Dreamy Mind and Loving Heart
Where the sound of all that's wild and untamed
Brooks and Rivers
Mountains and Trees
The Raw
The Art in the Chaos
Attune within my Fragile Breast

For now, I'm only online to blog when
The Shapes that haunt me fall away
But I'll be back

I feel great Love towards you
My Friends I've never met
and in that invisible web we've found
You are a Beauty
A Shining light of proof
That in the darkest hours
In the years of escapism
Through so much we've all encountered
Friends are the most Precious gift of all

Great Love, and Hugs and smiles
I'll send you laughs when I find my smile
Know you are in my heart
My mind

And My Shadow
Thank You for your comment~~~
I will get that screaming out a bit
Will follow the words said and those between the lines
Your friend

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thump Thump Thump

I'm laying here in fear
My heart is beating so fast and irregular
Why am I debating the trip to the ER?
Should I just go?

Am I afraid of the answers I may finally get,
or is this a panic attack

ugh, my hands are too weak to write want I want
I'll come back to all these thoughts later

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Time for Beginings A Time for Endings

Why am I seeing so many parallels?

Is it that time?

The time for remembering, time for cutting and burning?

Time for telling the tale at last


Hmm, bitter and frightened groan, ha…

Tales is more like it

Life time of so many tales

And I feel as if my life is about spent

It feels so unfair..so very unfair

I said I’d start…

will this be the beginning of my mental end?

Does it matter?

My End..

prolonged for so many years,

maybe back to the very beginning of my existence

Well the tales will have to wait a bit longer

Hopefully I can find my way out of the dark...

or through the dark I can find what I’ve spent my life running from






Sunday, January 16, 2011

Black to Black and Back

Tears keep falling

How do I find the words?

Where is the Light out of the Darkness?

I'm so angry, disappointed, angry, hurt, angry, hurt


I need to find the way out of I

I this
I that
I is becoming a dirty word

3rd person would help if I could just get out of the I in things

Can someone who loves you......Me.....
Drive me to
oh never-mind that one...I for sure know that answer

In the darkness of where she's trying to lead me
I see the reason
and I really don't appreciate it
It's selfish

Black Black Twisted Eyes
Twisted us all
Can't walk in the room without seeing the twisting in the face of my Mom

What makes anyone think I need more twisting?

More like Un-Twisting
De-tangling and Beauty
Peals of Laughter I could not find till nearly 30

Smiles I've only recently learned

It's not the revelation it's the desire to pull me out of my Dreamer
When I'm seeking that to persevere that I resent

Black..Black Eyes of the Sociopath that raised me
You really think I need to relive that?

Just so I can stop being a sensual Dreamer?
That feels so sick to me

Feels like a Demolition Ball Cracking every essence of me

Black, Black Eyes
I'll only see in Nightmares

Go Away Little Child in Me
Go Away

What is it about me
That makes so many feel
They must erase me
To feel Whole?

I ponder that always

Something about who I am
is too much or not enough
or something....
and the more you remove me from Me
The greater desire to continue that battle
It must be so powerful
it keeps happening

Can't they see?
You only make me go Deeper
Down into the almost Blackness of the Sea
Far away and cold/safe
Maybe not safe
but numb

Till I can't find me...in my efforts to hide that self it seems you want to destroy

I am masterful at this..
don't they know?
I've been hiding and surviving since 2 1/2
Since the Monster married my mother
Since Nightmares were preferred over reality

Erased: hmmm: Yea I know it would be easier
But to survive a Sociopath you have to be crafty
You have to swim till nothing but the cold blackness
is what they'll find

Beyond The Sharks
Till the Sea is only Death
That No One can find

Rationally, I know I'm stinging and punching, you know the emotional punch
Words said that silence prying and painful things
The Guilt I feel for being me
It lives and breathes
way down deep away from even my eyes

I guess the Struggle out of the Blackness of me
Will take so much more strength
Then I thought

Can I find enough Love of Self
Un-Anchor my Death
Till Light and Shimmering Fairy's of Life
Breath Beauty back into my Tattered Self?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Log to Self: Musings of Musings

Out of the Coverlet and into a Fire
Well....Fire isn't exactly the adj. more like into the World
Not that firey and lovely enrapturing of Passion
More like the cotton stuffed into your ears and a
Hang Over
w/o the fun

A Day
Important and filled with Mundane
but a day, my day
out from under the Blanket of Death
Maybe into it
I'm unsure
but a Day nevertheless

Ending in Anger
What's wrong with my heart?
Can I get a care? an answer?
I'm so young next to all the patients
Does No one wonder why my EKG looks like this

I'm very depressed this night
My mother has
in her broken and cluelessness
let me know,.....she needs me to be her Mom still
I won't
Will NOT be all of your Mother's anymore
so get used to it
I'm your daughter/sister/friend
The Shadow is overtaking me again
CAn I find the strength?
My heart hurts..I know my life is borrowed

You must find the Me somewhere other than the Rescue Aid Society of Me
I need Rescuing
which I'll never get
Don't ask of me
Don't demand of me a Song
to render you healed
while I lie thrashing

I can say no more
my pain is suffocating me
and my heart is a traitor
into the bottle of potions
into the flight of the eagle
into the arms of night I fly

Aint No Mountain Hi Enough

Waking up takes such effort
Perhaps because sleep comes so rarely and disturbed.
I long to open my eyes to something of beauty, hope, peace
And Up the Mountain of filth and dysfunction I climb.
The pace is slow today
The hurt and complete sense of Aloneness
nearly paralyzes me into the death slumber of the past years

But Aint no Mountain Hi Enough
Nor Family Low
Nor situation Tough Enough
To keep me away from Me!

My wish is that my next words here
are filled with just a bit less bitter Byte
Cheer Up

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dreamer's Break Out of her Cracked Shell

Three Years
Has it been more?
Lost in a Sea, My Drowning and shallow Breath
Struggles to find the Shore
A shore of Beauty

Have I really lain in bed for 3 years?
The Heart I have
Smothered and Dark
Seeking it's light before the Damage ceases it forever.

I hope only those that find me here
1.Are Strangers that read my musings
2. Know me and are not looking for ways to use my words and twist them in judgment

So heavy is the Blanket pulled over my my mind
I thought it was to keep me warm, buffer me from the cruelty
This once dreamers heart ,found too fragile to bear.
Disguised in protection the heavy coverlet has wrapped me so tightly away from me
and It's time to shed it's warmth
Cold and Shadows may follow
Light and Life
Whispers of things only found in nightmares
or my past
Sonnets of Soaring Heights.
Whatever the Exposure
I'm Naked to receive.

Fear is so close,
and the darkness is always a tear away
But, with any luck
I"ve found a doorway out of my depression
and If not, I'll find it
At-least I now Know
A Doorway is somewhere
Even when I knock my body in the walls of my mind
with the eyes of the Dragon fly
The Door is near